This year, My shopping curse still lingers, but at a more controlable pace. ( I had made peace with myself )
And Transformed to other bad Luck. ( Car accident, Car break down and bagage delay thanks to the toatlly incompetent tiger airways. Broke my phone and discover that it is a used phone according to nokia suntec. )
This year I will be moving and at an happier mood. The current house brings back only sad memories. Death of kin, the most painful health problem that I've ever encounter, scaryiest supernatural encounter ever in this house!
But then again like my great pal JK has said: 因祸得福. Or small bad luck in successions takes the big ones away.
Tiger Airway incident may make me 1000 bucks richer
Nokia repair my cracked LCD for free
and all these teach me to take things easy. Small thing after all.
Half the year has gone, some special pal became closer (Aspi, Michelle and the nafa gang) , some i distant (My Indian best pal and the dissy king) . I learned to be closer to those who makes me happy, and farther from those who leeched on me and care shit about me.
And I have to say:" Life is good!"