So on so what
To this and that
Bounce off and back
And to return again
All things that rise must fall
And all things that burns must seized
Like the day must come to night
And some nights stay longer…
Like me
Like Mr. Mickey Tan
Like me, like me.
I’m used to escape into the night of sober
Where words sprang out like they aren’t mine
Scrapes of thoughts and papers printed by my heart
The true voices that I hear the next day
And found solace
That someone within knows me
That he hurts like me
Hates and love like me
He’s one but not the same
He’s me without restrictions
The one that sprang out with help of drink and smoke and pills
The one that I become less and less often
Maybe I over walked that channel that door
And that pain strikes when I swallow the key
And the weights of the doors are hard to pull apart
I touched my neck feeling for the source
And pray never to confront it